Friday, July 06, 2007

Prince William Floats an Immigration Crackdown

Hell! This almost makes me want to move back to Prince William County.

Of course, the WaPo's designated open-borders traitor bitches and moans about it. FOAD, lady. (And the answer to your question is FOE, if they're here illegally.)

Good for PWC. Make 'em sweat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for PWC, the more localities move in this direction, the better.

12:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not to mention the crackdown will be cruel, will tie up police officers and waste their valuable time, and will, I quote Police Chief Charlie T. Deane from the article, have "a potential chilling effect on witness cooperation and victim-witness cooperation." Don't forget that these people you want to "sweat" from fear are already sweating all over the country doing jobs that most citizens would abhor doing. No human being is illegal.

9:24 AM  
Blogger vmijpp said...

i think not, victoria! policing up lawbreakers is *always* a good thing.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention the crackdown will be cruel,...

So are a lot of other things. Is there any specific reason why this issue should be handled any differently?

...have "a potential chilling effect on witness cooperation and victim-witness cooperation."

Sounds as if wherever these people go, crime follows.

Don't forget that these people you want to "sweat" from fear are already sweating all over the country doing jobs that most citizens would abhor doing.

At the rock-bottom wages that employers want to pay, yes.

11:10 AM  

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