Wednesday, April 18, 2007

B.A.G. Day 2007

Albeit a few days late, I got into the spirit of B.A.G. Day this year, thanks to the repayment of the interest-free loan commonly known as a tax refund.

I got FOUR of these,

ONE of these,

ONE of these too,

TWENTY of these,

and I'll be getting a pair of these, (hey, if they're good enough for Det One...)

all in preparation for THIS.

Altogether, not bad. Might even have some $$$ leftover for a bottle of THIS. :-)


Blogger Countertop said...

had a comptac shirt tucker back in the glock days.

Liked it a lot initially, but as my waist grew (over 4 years) from a 32 to a 36 (thats a desk job for you) I found the kydex to be a bit uncomfortable.

big fan of the single malts though.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a Fobus holster similar to the one you have. I like it, but I usually carry with my Galco Summer Comfort IWB. Check it out.

My Single Malt Whisky Companion says that Aberlour is medium-bodied with hints of peat and honey. I, of course, have never met a whisky (or whiskey for that matter) that I didn't like...

7:29 PM  

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