Friday, February 24, 2006

Great Article in 24 Feb Wash Post on Biathlon

bravo zulus to libby copeland of the washington post for this article-- This Athlete Skis, Shoots and Heaves: In the Biathlon, Even the Hardiest Are Done In by the Sport's Demands. this is the second favorable note in that paper for the sport. (good coverage of rachel steer too, :-) )

haven't seen any particular updates from the olympics, but i'll look again.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

US Places 9th in Biathlon Relay

we placed 9th as it turned out, which i understand is our best finish in many many years. good work, gents! this should stiffen the resolve of American biathlon supporters.

Biathlon 4x7.5km Relay, update

ok, now we're not in the lead. we had a rough second leg. at the handoff for the third leg, we were in 8th. still, not too bad, our best yet if i'm not mistaken. this is another illustration of how things in this sport can turn on a dime just on shooting...

USA Leads Biathlon Relay!!

i just saw a wonderful sight-- the USA *leading* the men's biathlon relay. jay hakkinen skied mightily and shot well, and took a solid lead, which he handed off to tim burke. he outskied and outshot all the favorites. good work! dare i say it-- could we have a shot at a medal?

Monday, February 20, 2006


i finally found a photo of the best-ever counterprotest sign, outside the danish embassy a few days ago...

enlarge the photo, and look at the guy on the right. i saw it on NBC4 and it made me laugh out loud. DURKA DURKA signs should now be standard issue at anti-islamist events. two simple gibberish words say it all. these people need to be loudly ridiculed at every possible opportunity.

(and thanks to The Red Hunter for the photo, i lifted it from his site.)
